Private coaching

Let's nourish your little one Together

Baby Nutrition Consulting for starting solids, navigating baby led weaning vs pures, troubleshooting constipation, eczema, food intolerances and more! Feel confident nourishing your baby with ease! 

my signature offering

Starting Solids Bundle

This three session bundle is designed to help feed your baby confidently and nutritionally. We’ll provide you with tailored advice and support for introducing solids to your baby. We’ll help you understand what foods to introduce, how to progress once your baby has developed a taste for new foods, and answer all of your questions along the way. We’ll also ensure your baby is getting all of the necessary nutrients and provide you with strategies for picky eaters. 

Yes, Please! 

Advanced offering

Beyond the Basics

This three session bundle is designed to support families caring for babies with eczema, constipation, food sensitivities, and more. We will provide you with tailored meal plans and nutritional advice to help your baby get the nutrients they need to thrive. We’ll also provide you with strategies for gut healing and support for detecting and managing food intolerances and sensitivities.


Additional Offerings

Newborn Care Specialist Consultation 

Parenting a new baby can bring excitement and joy as well as overwhelm and anxiety. Our 90 minute session is designed to provide you with the support you need as a new mom and help you navigate the world of parenting and newborn care. With Hallie’s experience as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified Nutrition Consultant, and Newborn Care Specialist, you can trust her to provide you with informed advice rooted in modern science. During our session, she will work to ease your nerves, answer your questions, and provide you with the resources to help create routines for your new baby. She can help you understand the differences between a newborn care specialist vs postpartum doula or a baby nanny and provide you with the basic orientation you need for welcoming a nanny into your home. Hallie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table and is excited to help you find an approach that works for your family and your baby. Book a 90 minute session with her today and get the support and resources you need to make this a beautiful and meaningful experience for your little one.

Get Support

Meet Hallie: 

I'm so excited to work together!

Certified Nutrition Consultant (CNC) 
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (INHC) 
Newborn Care Specialist (NCS) 

 Hallie  provides high quality, evidence-based nutritional consulting services. With her background in public health and experience working with mothers and babies in the Netherlands, Hallie has the experience and knowledge to ensure your little one is getting all of the essential nutrients. She utilizes a holistic and integrative nutrition approach backed by modern science in her practice, providing personalized nutrition coaching and 1 on 1 consultations for a variety of services. Hallie is passionate about helping mothers create a healthier future for their babies and is committed to providing mothers with the education and resources they need to make informed choices for their little ones. She looks forward to joining you on this journey and helping your family and your baby reach their healthiest self.


Is baby led weaning best for my baby? 

When should I start solids? What should I feed for the first food? I'm really nervous to feed my little one, will you do it with me?  How many times per day should I feed my baby?

I suspect my babys diet needs a change

My baby is experiencing eczema- what should I do? My baby has constipation and food intolerances, what can I do?  

What are my babys nutrition needs

I want to ensure my baby is getting all of the necessary nutrients- where do I start?

Parents seeking answers to these questions often turn to Hallie as her nutrition consulting services can help parents feel confident and empowered with each decision they make for their baby.

She can provide personalized nutrition coaching, 1 on 1 consultations, and certified nutrition consulting to help nourish babies naturally.

With a variety of services and a wealth of experience and knowledge, Hallie is ready to help you create a healthier future for your little one.

The results

Moms and babies will feel:

Empowered through Hallie’s tailored advice

Confident in their ability to nourish their baby

Well informed, knowing exactly what nutrients their baby needs

Comfortable with their decision to introduce solids and create routine

Supported to create the best future for their baby